Hello to all my loyal blog followers, which I think the number is 4. I want to give a special shout out to my sister's friend at work. Keep on reading, remember life's a garden dig it.
So today I spent the day with Gunter and the children. For breakfast I had toast with homemade marmalade and honey. The honey was from bees that Gerlinde keeps at her mother's house. I saw the bee house when I went over there. It was pretty cool. After breakfast we went to grandma's house to pick up some fresh milk (and eggs from her chickens or is it hens?). Then we went to the bus stop near Gunter's house to see how the bus works. Unfortunately the bus never showed up. We waited there for 20 minutes. After that we went back home for lunch. Gunter made scrambled eggs (from grandmas farm) with bacon and cheese. It was good. After lunch Gunter and the children were to go to the fire brigade (fire station) to take a look at the fire trucks. They dropped me off in old town Freistadt. I walked around a little bit. Old town is very nice. I found myself at the tourist information center. Believe it or not no customers were in there but me. Although the phone did ring but it might have been a wrong number. The lady was nice and spoke English well.
After walking around Freistadt for an hour Gunter picked me up and we headed back home. Gerlinde came up from work around 645. For dinner she made grilled cheese with bacon. I also had my first beer (not ever, but pretty close). Freistadt has their own brewery and their beer is called Freistadter. It was pretty good. I took a picture of it. After dinner Gerlinde and I sat down and had our 1st "formal" English lesson. We went over what she learned in class last night. Some of which included vocabulary. Now some of the words she had to learn I guarantee none of you know what they mean. Antipode anyone? (myself and Kevin Barton are probably the only ones that know what it means since it is Geography related). What about a louse? I had NO idea what that meant. Anyway besides vocabulary she had to read to me a paragraph about why learning English is important and explain it to me. She did a very good job.
Alrighty gang catch you manana or shall I say Morgen (thats german for tomorrow)
P.S. Louse is the singular form of Lice. And antipode means In geography, the antipode (from Greek αντίποδες,[1] from anti- "opposed" and pous "foot"; pronounced /ænˈtɪpəˌdiːz/) of any place on Earth is the point on the Earth's surface which is diametrically opposite to it.
How many of you knew that, be honest.